% vim:ts=4:fenc=utf8 \version "2.10.33" \header { title = "Allay Pain" subtitle = "from anime “Witch Hunter Robin”" composer = "岩崎 琢 (Iwasaki Taku)" version = "00 (2007-11-26)" enteredby = "Michał Gawron based on transcription by Althea Chia" copyright = "Public Domain" instrument = "Piano" maintainer = "Michał Gawron" maintainerEmail = "mcv@mulabs.org" maintainerWeb = "http://mcv.jogger.pl/" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \teeny \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { www.LilyPond.org } by \enteredby. } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } Tu = \tupletUp Td = \tupletDown Tn = \tupletNeutral su = \change Staff=upper sd = \change Staff=lower \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4" 'portrait) %between-system-space = 1.4\cm between-system-padding = #1 ragged-bottom = ##t ragged-last-bottom = ##f bottom-margin = 8\mm %annotate-spacing = ##t } music = { \tempo 4=64 \time 4/4 \parallelMusic #'(upper lower) { \once \override TextScript #'padding = #6 % 1 \key d \minor \clef treble r4\mp d''8 e''16 f''16~ f''4. f''8 | \key d \minor \clef treble 8 a'8~ a'4 bes8 d'8 a'4 % 2 | 8 g''8 f''8 e''8 8 d''8 c''8 bes'8 | g4 g'4 a2 % 3 | 8 d''16 d''8. bes'4. d''8 e''16 d''16~ | \clef bass d8 a8 8 g8~ g2 % 4 | d''16 c''8.~ c''2. | c8 bes8 f'8 8~ 2 % 5 | f'8 a'8 d''8 16 f''16~ f''4. f''8 | d8 a4 g,8 d8 bes4. % 6 | 8 g''8 f''8 e''8~ e''8 d''8 c''8 bes'8 | c8 bes8 d'8 8~ 2 % 7 | 8 d''16 d''8. 4. d''8 e''16 d''16~ | d8 a8 e'8 g8~ g2 % 8 | d''16 c''8.~ c''2. | c8 bes8 f'8 8~ 2 % 9 | 8\mf f''16 g''8 f''16 g''4. d''8 e''8 | b,8 g8 d'8 g'8~ g'2 % 10 | 8\mp f''16 f''8 g''16 d''4. d''8 f''8 | bes8 f'8 a'2. % 11 | 8\mf f''16 g''8 f''16 g''4. d''8 d''8 | b,8 g8 d'8 g'8~ g'2 % 12 | \dim 8 g''16 g''8 f''16 a''4. g''4\mp | c8 a8 f'4 cis8 bes8 e'4 % 13 | r8 d''8\p a''4 d''8 a''4 a''8 | \clef treble 4. 8~ 2 % 14 | 8 bes''8 a''8 4 f''8 g''4 | 8 g'8 f'8 8~ 2 % 15 | d''8 d''8 a''8 a''8 d''4. d''16 e''16 | d'8 f'8 a'8 4 a'8 f'4 % 16 | \cresc f''8 c''8 f''8 g''8~ 8 a''8 g''8 bes'8\! | c'8 f'8 a'4 \clef bass cis8 cis'8 e'8 g'8 % 17 | a'8\f d''8 a''8 a'8 d''8 a''8~ 8 a''8 | d8 a8 f'8 g,8 g8 bes8 f'4 % 18 | 8 8 8 4\dim 8 4 | c8 bes4 8~ 2 % 19 | d''8\mp d''8 a''8 a''8 4. d''16 e''16 | 4 c'4 bes4 a4 % 20 | 8 c''8 f''8 g''4 e''8 c''4 | g2 2 % 21 | d''1 | bes,8 f8 c'8 e'8~ e'2 % 22 | 1\arpeggio | 1\arpeggio \bar "|." } } \score { \context PianoStaff << \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3 \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \music \context Staff=upper << \upper >> \context Staff=lower << \lower >> >> \layout { } \midi { } }